
TITLE: Heat Up Your Hot Scenes


LENGTH: 64,000 words


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Love scenes are arguably some of the most difficult scenes to write. How do you keep each scene from sounding the same? Where is the line between too real and too far into fantasy? Which words and euphemisms will work with your tone, and which will kill the mood? When should you show every camera angle? When should you fade to black?

There’s a lot to it, and a well-written love scene can make or break a story. No pressure, right?

Award-winning romance author L.A. Witt is here to help! After 15 years, almost 200 titles, and at least 1,000 sex scenes, she’s run into every pitfall and brick wall imaginable… and she’s found solutions to most of them!

With focus on technique—both yours and your characters’—Heat Up Your Hot Scenes covers all the bases from choosing the right word to dialing up the emotional intensity to things that might inadvertently make your readers wince.

Heat Up Your Hot Scenes is an inclusive, LGBTQ+ friendly guide to writing hot, emotional, humorous, and even suspenseful love scenes to keep your readers turning pages and coming back for more.